


5 years

How you came into your parents lives?

Mom decided she wanted an orange/red Pomeranian. She looked in the newspaper classifieds, made a few calls, and found me. I was almost 9 weeks old when she brought me home.

Why do you blog?

I blog because it is fun. I like to share information with pals. I was posting my photos and adventures in 3 or 4 different places, and was tired of writing them over and over again. With a blog, I only write them once, then just paste the link all over. BOL!! After a few months of blogging, I started doing product reviews. My readers really like them and thank me for telling them about new things. Products are the main focus of my blog now, but I still post my adventures & anything else I want to share.

What is your favorite post?

I don’t really have one favorite post. I craft each post to be just how I want it before I will publish it. I take pride in my work.

What post do you like the least?

I don’t really dislike any of my posts, or I wouldn’t have published them. BOL!! I would expect my earliest posts not to be as polished as my current posts. There is a learning curve. 🙂 Each of my posts is the best I was able to produce at the time it was created.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Hearing that other pals enjoy my blog, that it made them smile, or that it helped them to discover a product that meets a need they have.

What to you dislike about blogging?

If anything, it would be deadlines. BOL!

Can you give a sneak peek on future posts?

I have several pawsome reviews and giveaways scheduled. After BlogPaws, I have an extra special giveaway item for small dogs (under 30 pounds). It is one of my top ten favorite products of all time. Before you hunt all over my blog – it’s not an official list, just one in my head. BOL!!

What blogs to you read that you would like to share?

I enjoy Fidose of Reality,Terrier Torrent, Life With Beagle, Oz the Terrier, Super Gizmo, GloGirly, Carma Poodale, Informed Ferret, All Things Dog Blog, Dogster, Kol’s Notes,……….I don’t want anyone to feel left out, but I can’t list all 50+ in an interview. BOL!

What are you thoughts on spaying/neutering?

I am spayed. Spaying a dog before her first heat reduces breast cancer risk by 80%. I think any animal that isn’t specifically meant for breeding or showing should be spayed/neutered. Any animals with genetic medical conditions should certainly be spayed/neutered so that fewer future animals will have those conditions.

Anything else you want to add about you?

I am a medical alert service dog.

Author’s Note: Many many thanks to Pepper for letting me do the interview. Photos were used with permission. You can visit Pepper on her blog, facebook or twitter.

This article is a part of the Pets that Blog theme, for more interviews on blogging pets, click the image below. Many thanks to Miss Ann from Pawsitively Pets for the image. 

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