Introduce yourself:

I’m Gizmo, an unstripped Border Terrier. I’m Terrier Tough and my motto is “I always have fun!”


Gizmo Geodog


Momz thinks I’ll be 5 in July, but my Gotcha Day is October 11th

How you came into your parents lives:

Momz adopted me from the Polk County Animal Control shelter, run by the local Sheriff’s department. It is a kill shelter. I am very lucky that Momz saw “something” in me and brought me home cause I wouldn’t have lasted long there.

Why do you blog?

I’ve always been a very social dawg but I live in a small town. I had been on Twitter for a while (@GizmoGeodog) and made friends there, but I could only woof 140 characters at a time. I figured if I had a blog I could really express myself fully and meet new furriends all over the world.

What is your favorite post?

It changes, but right now I have two:

1. My interview with Bulli the Wonder Dog, the #1 Canine Geocacher. Bulli is my idol and I was honored to interview him.

2. My Park Day 2.0 Bingo Post. That’s the first one that had a video of me. Momz promises to do a lot more of them now that she’s figured out how (it’s about time!).

What post do you like the least?

There were a few on my original site, before I went self-hosted, that were less than stellar…best to forget them now.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Making furriends…I have so many furriends all over the world now. I love being able to share my world with them and learn all about their worlds in return.

1 thumb Park Day 2.0 Bingo on FitDog Friday

What to you dislike about blogging?

I don’t dislike anything about blogging except maybe that it puts Momz at the ‘puter a lot instead of being outside with me…and I have to pose for a LOT of pictures…but I do get paid off in treats so I’ve learned to work with her.

Sneak peek on future posts?

(if you want to share) I’ll be doing one or two more Bingo posts this month to share more of my outdoor fun. And I’ll be reviewing some great products from our Park Day 2.0 sponsors and starting next month I’ll be part of K9Kamp.

What blogs to you read that you would like to share?

Oh gosh, this is the hardest question. There’s over 200 blogs in my google reader right now, and I try to visit them all at least once a week. If you check out any of my award posts you’ll find lists of blogs that I value. Of course Peace, Love & Whiskers is one of them J

What are you thoughts on spaying/neutering?

I came neutered and I think that for most dogs and cats it’s necessary to keep us healthy and to prevent those “accidents’ than can happen when dogs get together. One thing I would like to see happen is that more vets use vasectomies instead of castration for us boy dawgs.

Anything else you want to add about you?

Remember I said I was a very social dog? Well, in addition to my Twitter account you can find me a lot of other places:






It would be super if your readers visited me and liked me or followed me or showed me some love…That would make me smile.

And for anipals on Twitter, I’m a regular DJ at the #nipclub monthly pawties. My DJ shift is from 10-Noon EST, so come on by the pawty and listen to me spin some tunes

Author’s Note: Many thanks to Gizmo, you can follow him at any one of the links listed above. Photos were used with permission.

 This article is a part of the Pets that Blog theme, for more interviews on blogging pets, click the image below. Many thanks to Miss Ann from Pawsitively Pets for the image. 

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