
Introduce yourself:

My mom, Carol Bryant, blogs on FidoseofReality.com and a bunch of other places, including BlogPaws, Pet360, and Dogster. She does the talking (and writing) but we all know I am her muse.


Dexter James Bryant



How you came into your parents lives:

My mom found me through Aine Cockers.

Why do you blog?

I love having the ability to provide instant information to fans and interact with (and many times meet) people who otherwise I might not have. Social media is a constant evolution and being able to disseminate information that dog parents can use, enjoy, and apply is my greatest reward.

What is your favorite post?

This would a tie between “Anatomy of a Grieving Dog Mom,” which you can find here: http://fidoseofreality.com/anatomy-of-a-grieving-dog-mom/ an”My Dog’s Getting Married and It’s for Charity…I Swear!” http://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/dog-wedding-for-charity

What post do you like the least?

I honestly don’t dislike anything I have written. If I am bored, my readers are bored, so if I can’t give it my all I just won’t write it. I am not perfect, but I am a perfectionist.

pet friendly travel

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I love the instant gratification and being able to share the info with my readers. You know, I’ve always felt that dogs are kids to me. I recently had my quote trademarked, which is: “my heart beats dog.” So when I decided to switch careers several years ago, I knew in my heart and gut that incorporating blogging into my life was a must.

I was hired by a dog magazine in order to increase their social media numbers and create a blog for them. As a result of the blog and presence on Twitter and Facebook, their numbers grew by the thousands within months. Under my blog management and leadership, we won a dog blogger award within one year of the blog’s formation. I am very proud of this.

Since moving on to bigger and brighter things, I formed my own canine-centric online magazine dog blog where dog lovers of the highest order unite™, Fidose of Reality. Not your ordinary dog lover blog: Fidose of Reality is all about extraordinary dog lovers.

I have always been a writer, so blogging was a natural evolution for me.

Traveling in Maine with my dog

  What to you dislike about blogging?

Spammers and freaks.

Sneak peek on future posts?:

I am announcing here first that my magazine style dog blog underwent a complete transformation. I am working on getting back end things organized, but the guts of the site are live. I am so excited!

What blogs to you read that you would like to share?

I read blogs both within pet and outside the pet world to stay current. I am an entertainment news and dog news junkie, but I read anywhere between 20 and 45 dogs a day. Grrr to Google Reader for going away in July.

What are you thoughts on spaying/neutering?

Yes, unless you are a breeder please do it. Unless you are a qualified and knowledgeable, don’t risk your dog’s health. Spaying and neutering is the only way to keep the numbers of loving pets who are euthanized needlessly every year. I wish we could spay and neuter abusers.

dog laser therapy

Anything else you want to add about you?

I am working on my first book and I love working in media. My dog has been on Oprah Radio’s Gayle King Show with me and we love traveling cross country together as a family.  My dog is getting married on June 28th for one of the biggest fun fundraisers I’ve ever had the pleasure of doing. Oh and I love BlogPaws! Every one who is at all serious about blogging or microblogging needs to be there.


Author’s Note: Dexter can be found on facebook, the blog, his mom can be found on Twitter or he can be found there. Many many thanks to Miss Carol and Dexter for answering the interview questions and letting me borrow pictures for the article. Photos were used with permission.

 This article is a part of the Pets that Blog theme, for more interviews on blogging pets, click the image below. Many thanks to Miss Ann from Pawsitively Pets for the image. 

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