
My name is Texas.

I am a cat with character. I know, your readers will probably think: all kitties are!
Yes, but really, I have a LOT of character.
Since many have asked before, and it is linked to my character, here is the story of why I was named Texas.
When I was adopted, the shop assistant who introduced me to my human said I was “le p’tit catcheur de la bande”, in English “the little wrestler in the group” of cats she had. She played with me a little bit and I seemed sweet but proud, ready to play but not to be messed with. The name Texas came to her mind before we were out the store.
If you wonder how a Parisian girl can come up with a name such as Texas for her kitty, my human has always loved the United States very much.



How you came into your parents lives:

There are several pet stores on one bank of the Seine, in Paris. One day, my human and her husband (then boyfriend) were taking a walk in the area. My human couldn’t help it: she had to go see the kitties. I was introduced to her like I mentioned earlier. It was 3 days before her birthday. The rest is history as humans say. I was my human’s  husband’s (then boyfriend’s) birthday gift to her.

Why do you  blog?

Because my life is very interesting. I was born in Paris, France and followed my human in America. Let’s be honest, I don’t have a French accent when I meow, but who wouldn’t love a French kitty living the American Dream?
Also my human thinks cats deserve to be worshiped because we are extraordinary creatures, so she helps me.
(Note from the humans: worshiped is a little exaggerated, Texas, don’t you think?)

What is your favorite post?

The series (does that count?) about me and my half-brothers moving to America:
Sadly, one of my half brothers died last summer, so his tribute page is also very important to me:
I know that’s like 3 posts but can you really resist those charming green eyes?

What post do you like the least?

Hmmm none. Except having to announce my half-brothers or other furriends going to the Rainbow Bridge. It is always a very sad moment for me and my human.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Meeting new furriends and read about their lives!

What to you dislike about blogging?

Nothing really I think.

Sneak peek on future posts?

I’ll be having a nice (I think) giveaway on next Saturday. It is about kitty poetry and drawing.
Also, I am trying to get my human to help me post about a very cool feline place in France. It will definitely happen in the next… few weeks hopefully!

What blogs to you read that you would like to share?

This is very difficult to single out just some. I subscribed to more than 300 blogs (which tends to get my human a little nuts). My blogroll is a way to start but it’s definitely not comprehensive (Note to human: when are you going to update my blogroll?!)

What are you thoughts on spaying/neutering?

I want my jewels back! Need I say more about this human family’s view on the matter?
All kitties in la casa de Texas are spayed or neutered. Sigh.

Anything else you want to add about you?

Thank you for this opportunity to get interviewed. I am very thrilled!
Power to kitties!


This article is dedicated to the loving memory of Grouik, you will forever be missed

Author’s Note: Many many thanks to Texas and his humans for sharing his story, you can check out his blog  or his facebook page. Pictures were used with permission.

This article is a part of the Pets that Blog theme, for more interviews on blogging pets, click the image below. Many thanks to Miss Ann from Pawsitively Pets for the image. 

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