
Extra Love Needed: Meet Mishu


Mishu 2

How old are you?

A kitty never devulges such information, teehee. Actually I will be 9 years young this July.

Where did you name come from?

I don’t know, this was the name I was given at the ASPCA. Meowmy adopted me with this name and she kept it. I actually answer to it!!

Mishu 4

How did your mom find out about your hyperthyroid?

The ASPCA had told momma that I had hyperthyroidism when she called to ask if I was still available. We think they were trying to scare her off from adopting me since she had never been a cat momma before, but momma doesn’t scare easily, she still came to meet me anyway.

What medications/treatment do you need for it?

This is a tough one. Hyperthyroidism is usually a condition that older kitties get and I was diagnosed when I was one and a half years old. The only medication that is effective is called Methimazole. (Also know as Felimazole). But this medication has horrible side effects when used for too long. It can cause your liver to fail. Which is where I am at right now. I have been on this medication for almost seven and a half years now. You can also have surgery to remove your thyroid completely but than you need to take tyroid hormone replacement pills for the rest of your life, and I HATE pills. So my last option that is available is called Radio Iodine Treatment. Which I go in for in 23 days. This is where they inject you with radio active iodine. Since the Thyroid is the only body organ that picks up Iodine, the radio active iodine attacks the bad parts of my thyroid and any tumors that may have grown from the disease and kills them off so all that is left is the good working part of my thyroid gland. And a cool side effect, momma says I will glow in the dark for a couple of weeks. I think she is pulling my paw though!! MOL

Mishu on Couch

What happens when you become the Mishinator?

Hey, who told on me. I never become the Mishinator. O.K., guess the secret is out. And whoever let it out will soon meet the Mishinator, MOL. Well, you see, I spent a long time in a tiny cube at the ASPCA with only 30 minutes a day of freedom and human interaction, so I can get, well, a little mean. I mean I don’t get like the Hulk and turn all green and lumpy like he does, but, well lets just say keep you fingers and toes inside the ride vehicle at all times when I get cranky. I will hiss, claw and bite at whatever comes across my path. For the first few months, when I came to live with mommy, all I did was hiss at her and bite her. But she said it was alright. She knew I wasn’t really mean, I was just scared. I had been adopted out twice before and returned and than fostered once and returned so I had a hard time trusting humans. I am sure glad my meowmy never gave up on me. We have been together almost three years now and I love it here. And I love her too!!

Does your mom have any advice on checking for symptoms of hyperthyroid or care?

Yes, the first and most tell tale sign of hypertyroidism is your kitties eating habit. If your kitty starts eating a lot of food, almost like it just can’t fill it’s belly, that is the first sign something is wrong. A ravenous appetite is the best clue a kitty momma or daddy can get from their kitty that something is not right. Momma suggests taking your kitty in for a T4 test if this happens with your kitty. That is the test that measures how well your thyroid is working. The normal range is .8 – 4.8 (mine is 19 as of last month and that is on medication) and if your kitty is out of range than meds should be started asap. This will give your momma or daddy time to decide whether they want to continue with the meds, get the surgery or the radio iodine treatment. Momma suggests if you can afford it to do the radio iodine treatment. The medications can cause liver failure and hyperthyroidism itself can cause heart, liver and kidney damage. The only true cure for it is the Radio Iodine treatment. Momma only wishes she knew when she adopted me how bad the meds and the condition were, she says she would have had my treatment done than so I didn’t have my liver failing on me right now. The good news is is that the condition hasn’t harmed any of my other organs and with this pill Denamarin I am on (for my liver) my liver will be completely restored in just a few months after my treatment.

Mishu 5

Anything else you would like to add?

Everyone please be kind to each other. This is a tough world we are living in. It is much easier to go through this life being kind to those around us as opposed to being mean and hateful. And always remember, if kitty wants your side of the bed than you better let him or her have it, because I do give lessons on how to become a Mishinator in three easy steps!! 🙂 MOL.

Author’s Note: I would like to thank Miss Mishu  and her momma for letting me interview them and sharing his story as well as pictures. Pictures were used with permission. 

This is a post is linked with other articles and pages about pets that need extra love. Click on the badge to find more pets that need extra love. elnbadge

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To honor all of the wonderful extra love needed pets that were featured on my blog..the facebook party is at the Furry Paws Disco on 3/24 at 4pm edt here is the link for details.. https://www.facebook.com/notes/peace-love-whiskers/raffle-details-and-party/494812007243433 There’s also a raffle that is going on from now until the 23rd and the winner announced at the party.. there are some great prizes and all the donations for the raffle will benefit the World’s Greatest CatHouse in Englewood, Florida where they are taking care of 200 special needs cats. I would love to get close to the $1500.00 needed for daily expenses at the World’s Greatest Cat House and make this raffle and party both a success. =^..^=

Extra Love Needed: Meet Misty Blue


When is your birthday Miss Misty?

I was born on July 9, 1992.

Where did you get your name from?

My name is Misty Blue because I AM misty blue! Like the soft, grey mist raising from the forest floor in the morning, that’s what mom says. When my mom named me she had no idea that Misty was a popular name for cats, because I was the first cat that eber lived with my mom!

How did you come into your mom’s life? I saw you were abandoned, were you in a shelter or roaming the streets?

The people who had my cat mom moved away and left her! She was less than a year old when she had me, my brother, and my sister. Thank heabens the next door neighbors took us in. they kept my cat mom, and found us all homes! I came to live with my now mom when I was 8 weeks old. I would like to ask people, please,k spay and neuter your companion animals…and know that they are NOT going to be ok if you abandon them outside!


Between having surgery for cancer, renal failure, hyperthyroid, megacolon and diabetes and have your eye removed, how much time did you spend at the vets?

Oh BOY, I spent a LOT ob time at the vet, but that was mainly going in for chemotherapy, habing my eye treated before it was removed, going in to hab my sugar levels tested, and stuff like that. I only had to stay obernight a couple nights after cancer surgery, a few nights for radioiodine treatment (for hyperthyroidism), and not eben at all after I had my eye removed!
It’s ok, as it happens, I am bery brave!

Oh…one time I ate a rubber band and I had to stay obernight too.

How did you adjust after having your eye removed and did anyone treat you different?

My eye had pressure building up behind it for months before I had it removed, but nobody realized it! By the time I had it removed, it hurt me a lot. After I had it removed, it still hurt, but then it started to get better and better so now it never even hurts at all!

Nobody treated me any differently, because I live here with mom and dad, and I am their Baby. To my brothers and sisters, I am just their Misty Blue. You see, I am no different. I think maybe my facebook friends see me differently because they only got to know me in the past year, and they see an older cat with one eye. They do not know the Misty Blue with the flashing green eyes who ran and jumped, who moved with the grace ob a shooting star in the night. They don’t know that I am still that same Misty Blue.


What type of treatment did you undergo for diabetes or did you just have to lose weight?

Do they check your eye just to make sure everything is okay?

Pbbt! Did I hab to lose weight because ob diabetes?? Just what are you insinuating, may I ask?? Misty Blue is NOT fat! My liddle brother Murphy is the Liddle Fat Fat! I take a shot of insulin twice a day.


How often to you have to go to the vet?

My mom takes me to the vet about 4 times a year to get blood work to make sure I am getting the right amount ob insulin. *sigh* I wish you hab not reminded her. They check my eye, but I hab not had a single problem with it, and it’s been a year and three days since it was removed!

May I ask how the hyperthyroid was treated?

Certainly you may! I was diagnosed with the hyperthyroidism when I was eleben. Since I was nice and healthy otherwise, I was sent to Radio Cat. There I was cured with a single dose (injection) of radioiodine!

What is a typical day like for you?

My days are lazy now. I usually wake up on my heated pad by mom, or sometimes in my heated bed on the dresser. Mom and dad will scoop our litter boxes, clean our water bowl and put down fresh water, give me and mishu our medicine and me my shot, then feed us all (Did I mention Liddle Fat Fat? He eats a lot!) The liddle boys will play and the rest ob us will settle back in. About this time I wander out to the kitchen for a bowl of cream. This is a special for me! After that I settle in, sometimes I help mom with stuff, sometimes I watch dvd’s or tv, then pretty soon it’s time for more noms! I like to stay by mom during (grabbing her noms, hee!) and after her dinner time, and then we might watch tv more. In between all this busy activity, I like to sleep! THEN, it will be medicine and noms time again! Mom and dad will scoop our litter boxes, clean our water bowl and put down fresh water, give me, Mishu, and Bib our medicine, me my shot, Mishu ‘n me our subq fluids, then feed us all again! Then I settle in with mom on the warmies (which all hab our special Junipurr blankies on them!), and we *snuggs*, with my head in her hand, untill we fall asleep.


Have you decided yet if you like your catnip mouse that you got for Christmas?

Oh yes, I DID like that nip mouse! That was last Christmas though! you should see all the pawsome stuff my Aunties sent us this year!

May I share the chip in for your continuous care?

I had a stroke last fall, and there was a chipin to help mom pay my bill…and we did! after that the chipin was closed! But…my brother and sister, Bib and Mishu, both hab cancer now. it makes us bery sad, but we are doing our best to help them! I would be bery grateful if you would share their chipin!

http://bibscare.chipin.com/bibs-care-fund (Please note Chip will be closing on 3/7, please use second link to donate funds) 



Is there anything else you would like to say about yourself or your family?

When I say us, I speak ob me, Mishu (a pretty liddle Himi mix who is 15), Bib (a handsome torti and white boy who is 9), Buddy Lee (a kingly, white and black long haired gentleman who is , Ivy (a pretty torti Siamese, 8 years old), Conan Chauncey (a precious liddle orange guy named after our beloved Chauncey, Sweet Blind cat. Conan is almost 10 months!), and Murphy (a dark brown and white torti, about 6 months old now…cute as a bug!)

Anything else?

May I please mention my brothers and sisters who hab gone on? I lubbed them all bery much and miss them. This is my bery first interview, and it wouldn’t seem right now to tell about hOp (Stormy), my first cat boyfriend. Boy, he was a wild feral! He was a handsome grey and white tux! Then came Liddle Sunny, a golden tabby, also feral, a very special, shy liddle girl. Ob course, some years later, my Sammy came to live with us. He was a gorgeous black and white tux, and I loved him like no other. The year after that came Georgie. He was a greybie like me, only more stripey. He and Sam were best friends, but he slept with me at night! Teeny Isis was a 5 pound black cat that dad rescued with our d o g g i e, The Beautiful Michelle. Dad also rescued pretty little dilute torti Ceili.

Oh holy cats! Mom says since I told about evvyone else, I had to tell about those silly d o g s! Sadie is a big, silly, black and white Cocker Spaniel! Mom picked her out from about a million dogs before we adopted her! Maisie is a pretty (pretty goofy!) Black/tan/white Shetland Sheepdog. Sadie is nine already, and Maisie is five!

One more thing please! I hab the best friends in the world. It makes my mom cry just to type this. My cat friends, and people friends, dog and hamster friends, sheep and turtle friends, all my friends that I’ve met on facebook…well, I couldn’t ask for more. I hab been so lucky to become a member of such a kind, generous, and lubbing family. Fank you for interviewing me Ms. Christina. I lub you, and I lub you all.

Waaoow! Do I talk too much!? I will need to nap now!


This article is dedicated to the loving memory of Misty Blue. She lived to see her 21st birthday. Fly free sweet angel.

Author’s Note: I would like to thank Clyde and his mom for letting me interview them and sharing his story as well as pictures. Pictures were used with permission. 

This is a post is linked with other articles and pages about pets that need extra love.

Click on the badge to find more pets that need extra love.


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