Boo answers questions on bacon’s blog


This week is a really special edition of Dear Bacon.

My friend Boo at has volunteered to help me out once again with some special letters.  Boo concentrated really hard, read the letters and posted some awesome replies.  Please show some love to Dear Boo my friends!  And, don’t forget to go and visit him at his blog.  He’s still a kitten and is full of energy and spunk as you will see below 🙂  Enjoy



Dear Boo,
What? We’re just taking a break, figured I would show you what true working mules really do. Not the easy job of going to birthday parties and having kiddies ride your back. No, this is hard hat and safety gear moving dirt sort of work. So when do you plan on joining us?
Signed Working 925 Mules

Dear 925 Mules,

I don’t think meowmy would want me playing in dirt, but I…

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